[Biojava-l] More spelling in Documentation

Tony Watkins tony.watkins@newport.gov.uk
Sun, 10 Feb 2002 13:21:53 +0000

Within Documentation, I may have spotted the following ...

Package org.biojava.bio.seq Description 


This package contains the core classes and interfaces for defining sequences and features, sequence database and iterators, and miscellaneous biological inforation.

(Suggested correction)

... sequence database and iterators, and miscellaneous biological *information*

Package org.biojava.bio.seq.db

Class TabelIndexStore 

Implements IndexStore as a serialized file for the java data and a tab-delimited file of offets.

(suggested correction)
Implements IndexStore as a serialized file for the java data and a tab-delimited file of *offsets*.

Package org.biojava.bio.seq.io 

Class SequenceBuilderFilter


Base-class for builders that pass filtered events onto another builders

(Suggested correction)

Base-class for builders that pass filtered events onto another *builder*

Class SwissProtFileFormer


Simple filter which handles attribute lines from an Swissprot entry

(Suggested correction)

Simple filter which handles attribute lines from *a* Swissprot entry

Package org.biojava.bio.symbol 

Interface Alphabet

The set of AtomicSymbols which can be concatanated together to make a SymbolList.

(Suggested correction)

The set of AtomicSymbols which can be *concatenated* together to make a SymbolList.

Exception summary


The exception to indicate that an invalid aphabet has been used.

(Suggested correction)

The exception to indicate that an invalid *alphabet* has been used.



If the Alphabet can guarantee that there are only ever a finite number of Symbols contained with in it, then it must implement FiniteAlphabet

(Suggested correction)

... a finite number of Symbols contained *within* it, then it ...

That's all for now.
