[Biojava-l] Bug, or Feature? In TokenParser.TPStreamParser
Keith James
26 Jun 2001 15:34:21 +0100
>>>>> "Thomas" == Thomas Down <td2@sanger.ac.uk> writes:
Thomas> So right now, the bug is in EmblFileFormat (which is
Thomas> ignoring the start and length parameters passed into
Thomas> addSymbols). It's a fairly minor change to fix this.
I think I've nailed this one now. It exposed a silly Obiwan error in
SeqIOEventEmitter (mine also).
Checked in changes to EmblFileFormer, GenbankFileFormer,
SeqIOEventEmitter. The read/write demos for these formats seem to be
giving the right results. Hope this helps the situation.
-= Keith James - kdj@sanger.ac.uk - http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Users/kdj =-
The Sanger Centre, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambs CB10 1SA