[Biojava-l] viztool class diagrams

Michael L. Heuer heuermh@acm.org
Mon, 3 Dec 2001 19:44:47 -0500 (EST)

For fun I tried a tool for building class diagrams on the fly called
viztool on the biojava code:

see http://waywardgeeks.org/code/viztool

It produces more poster-on-the-wall rather than full-UML-style diagrams,
but they're not too bad.

Install the viztool library into the ant /lib directory as described, and
then add these bits to the build.xml file:

>     <!-- Check the current classpath for viztool support -->
>     <available classpath="${env.classpath}"
>                classname="com.samskivert.viztool.DriverTask"
>                property="viztool.present" />

>   <!-- Creates a summary class diagram -->
>   <target name="sumviz" depends="init,package" if="viztool.present">
>     <taskdef name="viztool" classname="com.samskivert.viztool.DriverTask"/>
>     <viztool pkgroot=""
>       classes="org.biojava.*"
>       visualizer="com.samskivert.viztool.summary.SummaryVisualizer">
>       <classpath>
>         <!-- classes specified in this file -->
>         <pathelement path="${classpath}" />
>         <!-- classes specified in system classpath -->
>         <pathelement path="${env.classpath}" />
>         <!-- main classes from build -->
>         <pathelement path="${build.dest.main}" />
>       </classpath>
>     </viztool>
>   </target>
>   <!-- Creates a hierarchical class diagram -->
>   <target name="hierviz" depends="init,package" if="viztool.present">
>     <taskdef name="viztool" classname="com.samskivert.viztool.DriverTask"/>
>     <viztool pkgroot=""
>       classes="org.biojava.*"
>       visualizer="com.samskivert.viztool.hierarchy.HierarchyVisualizer">
>       <classpath>
>         <!-- classes specified in this file -->
>         <pathelement path="${classpath}" />
>         <!-- classes specified in system classpath -->
>         <pathelement path="${env.classpath}" />
>         <!-- main classes from build -->
>         <pathelement path="${build.dest.main}" />
>       </classpath>
>     </viztool>

