[Biojava-l] [newio] Proposed event-notification interfaces
Thomas Down
Thu, 9 Nov 2000 13:47:56 +0000
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I've been making a little more progress with my plans for
refactoring the sequence I/O framework for BioJava 1.1. I've
attached two interfaces:
SeqIOListener Generic listener for events produced by
parsing biological sequence data
SequenceBuilder SeqIOListener which builds a new BioJava
sequence object.
Rebuilding the I/O framework around these interfaces would
meet the following objectives:
- Decoupling all parts of the Sequence construction process
from the file parsing.
- An easy way to plug in filter and transducer objects between
the parser and the Sequence construction step.
- Potential to handle `feature-only' formats like GFF and GAME.
Issues which are still open:
- Exactly how should multiple sequence alignments be handled
within the framework? One suggestion made internally at
sanger would be to use a separate SequenceBuilder for each
component of the alignments. I'd welcome comments from anyone
who uses BioJava Alignments on this topic. Are there any
commonly used formats for `annotated' alignments, with
data which should be built into BioJava feature objects?
- Are there any extra methods on SeqIOListener which I've
missed? For instance, it's tempting to have a specific
method for notifying the listener about a sequence's
database ID, if this is present in the file. Any thoughts?
Let me know what you think of these,
``If I was going to carry a large axe on my back to a diplomatic
function I think I'd want it glittery too.''
-- Terry Pratchett
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="SeqIOListener.java"
package newio;
* Notification interface for objects which listen to a sequence stream
* parser.
* @author Thomas Down
* @since 1.1 [newio proposal]
public interface SeqIOListener {
* Start the processing of a sequence. This method exists primarily
* to enforce the life-cycles of SeqIOListener objects.
public void startSequence();
* Notify the listener that processing of the sequence is complete.
public void endSequence();
* Notify the listener of symbol data.
* <p>
* NOTE: The SymbolReader is only guarenteed to be valid within
* this call. If the listener does not fully read all the data,
* the parser <em>may</em> assume that it is not required, and
* skip it.
* </p>
public void addSymbols(SymbolReader sr)
throws IOException, IllegalSymbolException;
* Notify the listener of a sequence-wide property. This might
* be stored as an entry in the sequence's annotation bundle.
public void addSequenceProperty(String key, Object value);
* Notify the listener that a new feature object is starting.
* Every call to startFeature should have a corresponding call
* to endFeature. If the listener is concerned with a hierarchy
* of features, it should maintain a stack of `open' features.
public void startFeature(Feature.Template templ);
* Mark the end of data associated with one specific feature.
public void endFeature();
* Notify the listener of a feature property.
public void addFeatureProperty(String key, Object value);
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="SequenceBuilder.java"
package newio;
import org.biojava.bio.seq.*;
* Interface for objects which accumulate state via SeqIOListener,
* then construct a Sequence object.
* <p>
* It is possible to build `transducer' objects which implement this
* interface and pass on filtered notifications to a second, underlying
* SequenceBuilder. In this case, they should provide a
* <code>makeSequence</code> method which delegates to the underlying
* SequenceBuilder.
* </p>
* @author Thomas Down
* @since 1.1 [newio proposal]
public interface SequenceBuilder extends SeqIOListener {
* Return the Sequence object which has been constructed
* by this builder. This method is only expected to succeed
* after the endSequence() notifier has been called.
public Sequence makeSequence(); throws BioException;