[Biojava-l] Blast-like parsing

Simon Brocklehurst simon.brocklehurst@CambridgeAntibody.com
Mon, 15 May 2000 17:13:58 +0100

Dear All,

We're nearly ready to put some parsing and visualization code into
biojava (better late than never!). Before we finalize the initial
release, there is now an opportunity to have some input. I can't promise
we can/will include all suggestions but any opinions constructive,
destructive or otherwise are very welcome.

A quick recap - as some of you may recall, the idea was to make it
trivial to build applications that use the output from software that
produces Blast-like format e.g. NCBI Blast, WU-Blast, HMMer, DBA etc.
It was decided to write SAX parsers that take parse the raw software
output and generate messages that are send to XML DocumentHandlers.

The BlastLikeDataSetCollection SAXParser currently takes as input raw
output from Blast-like software and sends messages that are consistent
with an XML document conforming to the following DTD.   The opportunity
here is to cast your eyes over the DTD and give some feedback.

Any feedback during the next couple of weeks should be OK - the closer
towards that time, the less likely we will be able to incorporate things
before the release.


<!-- BlastLikeDataSetCollection DTD - attempts to provide a
     unified model for the output from the following pieces of
     bioinformatics sequence similarity search sofware:
                o BLAST                (NCBI)
                o WU-BLAST             (Washington University)
                o HMMER                (Washington University)
                o DBA                  (Sanger Center)

     NB This DTD covers output from the above software, when run
     in modes such that the detailed output is based around
     pairwise alignments.

     This is as opposed to other output formats such as ASN.1

     The root element is a BlastLikeDataSetCollection.  This is
     described towards the end of the DTD.
     This DTD is Copyright 1999, 2000 Cambridge Antibody Technology
     Group plc (CAT). All Rights Reserved.

     Author List:
       Primary Author: Simon Brocklehurst (CAT)
       Other Authors:  Colin H. Hardman   (CAT)
                       Stuart Johnson     (CAT)
                       Tim Dilks          (CAT)

     ============================= -->

<!ENTITY % strandType    "(plus|minus)">

<!ENTITY % frameNumber   "(minus3|minus2|minus1|plus1|plus2|plus3)">

<!ENTITY % alignmentType "(local|global)">

<!ENTITY % queryStrand   "queryStrand %strandType;">
<!ENTITY % hitStrand     "hitStrand   %strandType;">

<!ENTITY % queryFrame    "queryFrame  %frameNumber;">
<!ENTITY % hitFrame      "hitFrame    %frameNumber;">

<!-- HMMER sequence and model alignment types - i.e. local or
global      -->

<!ENTITY % startPositionOfSequence "startPositionOfSequence
%alignmentType; ">
<!ENTITY % endPositionOfSequence   "endPositionOfSequence
%alignmentType; ">
<!ENTITY % startPositionOfModel    "startPositionOfModel
%alignmentType; ">
<!ENTITY % endPositionOfModel      "endPositionOfModel
%alignmentType; ">

     ==================== -->

<!-- ================================================================
<!-- Elements used in more than one section of the data set.
<!-- For example, in both Summary and Detail sections

<!ELEMENT biojava:HitDescription (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT biojava:HitId EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST biojava:HitId
                     id                  CDATA #REQUIRED
                     metaData            CDATA #REQUIRED >

<!-- The RawOutput element is used to represent sections of the
     output from programs "as is".  This enables information from
     software to be represented, without being parsed in detail.

<!ELEMENT biojava:RawOutput (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST biojava:RawOutput
                     xml:space       (default|preserve) #IMPLIED >

<!-- ================================================================
<!-- Header section related information

<!ELEMENT biojava:Header (biojava:RawOutput)>

<!-- ================================================================
<!-- Summary section related information

<!ELEMENT biojava:HitSummary (biojava:HitId,biojava:HitDescription?)>
<!ATTLIST biojava:HitSummary
                score                    CDATA #REQUIRED
                expectValue              CDATA #REQUIRED
                numberOfHSPs             CDATA #IMPLIED
                readingFrame             CDATA #IMPLIED
                numberOfDomains          CDATA #IMPLIED  >

<!-- DomainSummary and DomainInformation elements are HMMER Specific -->

<!ELEMENT biojava:DomainHit EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST biojava:DomainHit
                modelId                  CDATA #REQUIRED
                domainPosition           CDATA #REQUIRED
                sequenceFrom             CDATA #REQUIRED
                sequenceTo               CDATA #REQUIRED
                hmmFrom                  CDATA #REQUIRED
                hmmTo                    CDATA #REQUIRED
                %startPositionOfSequence;      #IMPLIED
                %endPositionOfSequence;        #IMPLIED
                %startPositionOfModel;         #IMPLIED
                %endPositionOfModel;           #IMPLIED
                score                    CDATA #REQUIRED
                expectValue              CDATA #REQUIRED >

<!ELEMENT biojava:DomainSummary (biojava:DomainHit*) >
<!ATTLIST biojava:DomainHit
                domainCount              CDATA #REQUIRED >

<!-- End of DomainSummarySecion

<!ELEMENT biojava:Summary (biojava:HitSummary*, biojava:DomainSummary?)

<!-- ================================================================
<!-- Mainly DetailSection related information

<!ELEMENT biojava:HSPSummary (biojava:RawOutput?)>
<!ATTLIST biojava:HSPSummary
                score               CDATA #REQUIRED
                expectValue         CDATA #REQUIRED
                numberOfIdentities  CDATA #REQUIRED
                alignmentSize       CDATA #REQUIRED
                percentageIdentity  CDATA #REQUIRED
                numberOfPositives   CDATA #IMPLIED
                percentagePositives CDATA #IMPLIED
                pValue              CDATA #IMPLIED
                sumPValues          CDATA #IMPLIED
                HSPCollectionSize   CDATA #IMPLIED
                numberOfGaps        CDATA #IMPLIED
                %queryStrand;             #IMPLIED
                %hitStrand;               #IMPLIED
                %queryFrame;              #IMPLIED
                %hitFrame;                #IMPLIED >

<!ELEMENT biojava:QuerySequence (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST biojava:QuerySequence
                startPosition       CDATA #REQUIRED
                stopPosition        CDATA #REQUIRED >

<!-- A MatchConsensus elemenet represents the consensus information
     present in a pairwise alignment produced by Blast-like programs
     (i.e. the middle line of the alignment).

<!ELEMENT biojava:MatchConsensus (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST biojava:MatchConsensus
                     xml:space       (default|preserve) #IMPLIED >

<!ELEMENT biojava:HitSequence (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST biojava:HitSequence
                startPosition       CDATA #REQUIRED
                stopPosition        CDATA #REQUIRED >

<!-- The BlastLikeAlignment elements represents information from the
     pairwise alignments produced by Blast-like programs. Rather than
     representing the alignment simply as preformatted raw text, it
     separates out the information into a QuerySequence, a HitSequence
     and a MatchConsensus.

<!ELEMENT biojava:BlastLikeAlignment (biojava:QuerySequence,
                                      biojava:HitSequence) >

<!ELEMENT biojava:HSP (biojava:HSPSummary, biojava:BlastLikeAlignment)>

<!-- HSPCollections model related groups of HSPs. For example, this
     allows all plus strand HSPs to be grouped separately from all
     minus strand HSPs

<!ELEMENT biojava:HSPCollection (biojava:HSP+)>

<!ELEMENT biojava:Hit (biojava:HitId, biojava:HitDescription?,
<!ATTLIST biojava:Hit
                sequenceLength      CDATA #REQUIRED >

<!ELEMENT biojava:Detail (biojava:Hit*)>

<!-- ================================================================
<!-- TailSection related information                           -->

<!ELEMENT biojava:Trailer (biojava:RawOutput)>

<!-- ================================================================
<!-- Relating to overall results of searches

<!ELEMENT biojava:BlastLikeDataSet (biojava:Header,
<!ATTLIST biojava:BlastLikeDataSet
                 program             CDATA #REQUIRED
                 version             CDATA #REQUIRED>

<!-- A BlastLikeDataSetCollection contains data from groups of results
     obtained from  bioinformatics software that produces Blast-like
     output. For example, it can model the output from Blast run on
     multiple sequences. Or it could be used to group together analyses
     on a single sequence obtained from multiple programs.

<!ELEMENT biojava:BlastLikeDataSetCollection (biojava:BlastLikeDataSet+)
<!ATTLIST biojava:BlastLikeDataSetCollection
                 xmlns               CDATA #REQUIRED
                 xmlns:biojava       CDATA #REQUIRED >

Simon M. Brocklehurst, Ph.D.
Head of Bioinformatics & Advanced IS
Cambridge Antibody Technology
The Science Park, Melbourn, Cambridgeshire, UK