[Biojava-dev] BioJava 3.0.4 AbstractFastqReader Guava Dependency?

Michael Heuer heuermh at gmail.com
Thu Jun 7 20:15:32 UTC 2012

Chris Friedline <cfriedline at vcu.edu> wrote:

> Ran across this today, and wanted to bring it up.  AbstractFastqReader in biojava3-sequencing depends on some Google Commons/Guava code.  No skin off my nose, but I don't see it listed as a dependency anywhere.

If you are using maven to build your project, guava will come in as a
transitive dependency.

There is a third-party library section for biojava-legacy that
mentions this dependency on guava


but there is no similar section on the wiki for the biojava 3 releases.



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