[Biojava-dev] JEnsembl release 1.13 (schema 68)

PATERSON Trevor trevor.paterson at roslin.ed.ac.uk
Fri Aug 10 08:53:36 UTC 2012

JEnsembl : a version-aware Java API to Ensembl data sources.

We are pleased to announce the release of a new update of the JEnsembl API: version 1.13, which is configured to use the new schema68 release of Ensembl (and release 15 of EnsemblGenomes) and is backwards compatible with previous schema/releases.

JEnsembl uses and extends the BioJava3 core library for much of its sequence functionality.

JEnsembl can be used to access data for all of the Species held in Ensembl and EnsemblGenomes: 'Core' functions are backward compatible to release50, 'Compara' back to release 57 and 'Variation'  back to release 62.

Currently implemented functionality includes retrieval of chromosomes, sequences, genes, exon structure, transcripts, translated sequences, SNP variation data, gene homologies and chromosomal regions of conserved synteny. We are keen for (potential) users of the API to provide feedback about other features that should be implemented, and any improvements that could be made.

Source and binary releases, and full documentation, including code examples, are available at our development site:
http://jensembl.sourceforge.net/ where developers can get involved or join our distribution list.

We now provide a Maven repository for downloading JEnsembl release artifacts (detailed on http://jensembl.sourceforge.net/download.html ).

Trevor Paterson PhD
trevor.paterson at roslin.ed.ac.uk<mailto:trevor.paterson at roslin.ed.ac.uk>
The Roslin Institute
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
University of Edinburgh
Easter Bush
EH25 9RG
Scotland UK

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