[Biojava-dev] problem with blast parser

Michael Gang michaelgang at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 12:44:49 UTC 2008

Hi All,
I've observed the following pronlem with the blast parser.
When parsing a blast with more than one query, it skips a part of the queries.
When I wanted to understand what the problem is I got to the following
conclusion.(There are good chances that I am wrong)
When the BlastSaxParser in the function hitsSectionReached calls the
line: oHits.parse(oContents,poLine,"Database:");.
It just get's back when it get to the line :Database= but this is in
the middle of the next query (the query began with the line "BLASTX
2.2.16 [Mar-25-2007]".
I also tested it with the blastecho program
Did someone observed the same problem.
 Can someone help me in this issue ?

Thanks in Advance,

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