[Biojava-dev] Build system changes

mark.schreiber at group.novartis.com mark.schreiber at group.novartis.com
Sun Jan 18 20:18:36 EST 2004

Hi Thomas -

I'd vote in favour of not copying everything to the ant-build directory. 
It can cause major headaches with IDEs that integrate with Ant. OK so 
obviously they don't integrate all that well ;-)

- Mark

Mark Schreiber
Principal Scientist (Bioinformatics)

Novartis Institute for Tropical Diseases (NITD)
1 Science Park Road
#04-14 The Capricorn
Singapore 117528

phone +65 6722 2973
fax  +65 6722 2910

Thomas Down <thomas at derkholm.net>
Sent by: biojava-dev-bounces at portal.open-bio.org
01/18/2004 04:41 AM

        To:     biojava-dev at biojava.org
        Subject:        [Biojava-dev] Build system changes


I've been having a bit of a tidy up in the build.xml file.
The main change is that I've removed all the `run a subset
of tests' targets (symboltests, ontotests, etc.).  Instead,
you can define a property to specify a subset of tests to run.
For example:

     ant -Dtest.subtree=org/biojava/bio/symbol runtests

runs all tests in the `symbol' package (ignoring subpackages).

     ant -Dtest.subtree=org/biojava/bio/seq/** runtests

runs the tests in seq and all its subpackages.

Obviously, you can still use plain:

     ant runtests

To run the complete test suite.

I'm also considering a slightly more radical shakeup of the build
system.  Currently, when a build is launched, all the source is
copied into ant-build before compilation.  This was a good idea
when we had separate core and jdk1.4 sources, but isn't needed
now.  As far as I can tell, it just slows the build down and
causes problems with tools like the jEdit ErrorList plugin.

Is anyone keen to keep this copying step?  Otherwise, I'll remove
it sometime next week,

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