[Biojava-dev] IsoelectricPointCalc bug?

Pjm pjm at sanger.ac.uk
Tue Jul 22 18:02:22 EDT 2003

I think I have found a bug in the IsoeletricPoint code. The emboss code gives 
the below sequence a value of 13 but the biojava code gives the following error;

org.biojava.bio.BioException: Illegal initial range limits.
         at org.biojava.utils.math.BinarySearch.solve (BinarySearch.java:58) 
(pc 70)
         at org.biojava.bio.proteomics.IsoelectricPointCalc.getPI 
(IsoelectricPointCalc.java:192) (pc 47)
         at org.genedb.prelim.tests.IsoelectricPointBroken.main 
(IsoelectricPointBroken.java:43) (pc 46)

I've ran this code over 1000's of peptides sequences but this one sequence 
blows it up - heres the code to generate the above message;

// This is AA seq for GeneDB_Spombe:SPCC663.04

SymbolList aaSymList = null;
double isoelectricPoint;

try {
      Alphabet aa = ProteinTools.getAlphabet();
      SymbolTokenization aaToken = aa.getTokenization("token");
      aaSymList = new SimpleSymbolList(aaToken, peptideString);

      IsoelectricPointCalc iep = new IsoelectricPointCalc();
      isoelectricPoint         = (float) iep.getPI(aaSymList, true, true);

      System.out.println("isoelectricPoint for SPCC663.04 is "+isoelectricPoint);
catch(Exception e){

Does anyone know whats going on? Have I missed something obvious?

Paul Mooney

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