[Biojava-dev] Segment Sequences

jhidalgo at elmonte.es jhidalgo at elmonte.es
Wed Feb 5 11:27:34 EST 2003

     Hi, I'm a bioinformatic programmer from Spain. I found very
interesting your framework and I'm trying to studying it to use for my
current projects. At the present, I'm reading about segmentation in DNA
sequences and I found no packages related to that in your project Biojava.
Are you interested in that area?

     On the other hand, I'm reading docs about the protein folding problem,
and I'm trying to implement some "solutions" to that (ILP, GAs, NNs, etc.).
I'm at the begin of the journey, anyone interested about that?

     Greetings from Spain...
     Jose N. Hidalgo.

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