[Biojava-dev] Proposal to change DP interface

David Huen david.huen at ntlworld.com
Sun Dec 7 15:20:32 EST 2003

The training algorithm interfaces in org.biojava.bio.dp are have a method:-

public void train(SequenceDB db,
                  double nullWeight,
                  StoppingCriteria stopper)
           throws IllegalSymbolException,

This method is only suitable for single-head DP as it provides for only one 
SequenceDB as a source of training sequences whereas twohead DP requires 
two sequences.

I propose to change the SequenceDB to SequenceDB[]:-

public void train(SequenceDB [] db,
                  double nullWeight,
                  StoppingCriteria stopper)
           throws IllegalSymbolException,

This will allow the specification of multiple SequenceDBs to be used in 
tandem for training.

Comments would be welcome. 

David Huen

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