[Biojava-dev] More problems with gaps

Lachlan Coin lc1 at sanger.ac.uk
Mon Apr 28 14:12:29 EDT 2003


I've been tracking down a bug to do with the use of gaps in cross product
The problem is that a gap symbol is not atomic, and hence when I use a cross product
alphabet, and I use the getSymbol(List syms) method of this cross product
alphabet, if any of the symbols in syms are gaps, the method returns a
SimpleSymbol with name "[]" (it should return a BasisSymbol).

I have commited a test in org.biojava.bio.symbol.AlphabetManagerTest which
demonstrates this:

public void testGapInCrossProductAlphabet() throws Exception{
	Alphabet alph = AlphabetManager.alphabetForName("(PROTEIN x
	List s = new ArrayList();
	Symbol sym = alph.getSymbol(s);
	List l  = ((BasisSymbol)sym ).getSymbols();
	assertEquals(s.get(0), l.get(0));
	assertEquals(s.get(1), l.get(1));

It falls over when it tries to cast to a BasisSymbol.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

The approach which makes most sense to me is to make the gap symbol
atomic.  Is this an option at all?



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