[Biojava-dev] SortedMap comparator question

Michael L. Heuer heuermh@acm.org
Wed, 9 Oct 2002 18:28:27 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 9 Oct 2002, Thomas Down wrote:

> I don't think there's anything specifically illegal about doing
> this (although do, of course, check the javadocs).  I do, however,
> have a couple of concerns about how this will work out in practice.
> IIRC, TreeMap really is a tree-based data structure, which is
> accessed by comparing a new object to objects already in the tree
> (using the specified comparator).  If you look up an unknown key,
> the comparator you list below will fail (NullPointerException).
> Obviously, this is fixable (just make unknown keys sort above or
> below all defined keys).  However, more seriously, I think the
> same situation might also apply during inserts.  In this case,
> the obvious workaround doesn't help, since it means that they new
> entry will probably be inserted into the wrong part of the tree.

Yes, you're right -- this is a problem.

> How about defining a little datablob class which is an
> Object-double pair. defining a comparator over those, then
> just using a SortedSet?

I had thought about this, but the convenience of the keys and entrySet
views was desireable.

What I'm going for is something like

interface ScoredSet extends Set (?)
  public double getScore(Object o);
  public double minScore();
  public double maxScore();
  public ScoredSet subSet(double fromScore, double toScore);


interface RankedSet extends ScoredSet
  public int getRank(Object o);
  public int minRank();
  public int maxRank();
  public RankedSet subSet(int fromRank, int toRank);


		score   rank
object1		100.0	1
object2 	90.0	2
object3 	90.0	2
object4		75	3

The Set contract is nice in that in that it provides for non-duplicate
elements, but it might not make sense to view this as a simple Collection
after all.
