[Open-bio-l] OBF server outage announcement / call for SysAdmin volunteers

Peter Cock p.j.a.cock at googlemail.com
Thu Nov 1 13:26:54 EDT 2012

Dear all,

As many of you may have noticed, yesterday the Open Bioinformatics
Foundation (OBF) server hosting the mailing lists and most of the
Bio* websites went down.

The mailing lists and simple static webpages (e.g. download pages
for Bio* releases) seem to be back online, as is the OBF news blog:
http://news.open-bio.org/news/ - but the wiki pages are down
(which unfortunately means the Bio* homepages are unavailable).

Services on the failing server are being moved to virtual machines
on the Amazon Cloud, so it may take a few days until everything
has been set up properly and the wiki will be back.

If there is anybody from the Bio* projects who wants to join the OBF's
SysAdmin team and help out with projects like this one, this would be
a good moment to volunteer - please email me or Chris Dagdigian
(the OBF Treasurer and our head Systems Administrator).

Thank you, and please bear with us,

On behalf of the OBF Board of Directors.

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