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<p>I'm writing to let you know about Escorts.com, the fastest growing site of its kind on the Internet.</p>
<p>Since we launched <a href="http://www.escorts.com/escorts.html"><b>Escorts.com</b></a> more than two years ago,
we have committed ourselves to building the Internet's Number One Escort community site.
We have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in development, advertising, research, and staffing
to build the best site for those offering and seeking occasional companionship.</p>
<p><a href="http://www.escorts.com/escorts.html"><b>Escorts.com</b></a> receives more traffic than any other escort site and has become The Internet's Number One Escort site based on client visits. Escorts.com currently has over 50,000 active clients!<p>
<p>Continuing with our aggressive advertising campaign, delivering even more qualified clients to you, we will be advertising in over 200 local newspapers and 300 yellow pages this holiday season.</p>
<p>Many <a href="http://www.escorts.com/escorts.html"><b>Escorts.com</b></a> features are FREE. For example, you can create a Profile at no cost. To obtain all the features offered by Escorts.com, we have many affordable packages available. Escorts pay only $30.00 a month to have a complete listing on the #1 site for Escorts.
With a paid listing, you will have access to these premium features:
<li>        Display your email and website addresses.</li>
<li>        Enable clients to email you at our message center or your email address.</li>
<li>        Display your full reviews.</li>
<li>        Offer Clients advance notice of your schedule and places you plan to visit.</li>
<li>        Display your Interview answers so Clients get all the info about your services!</li>
<li>        Access to the Private Message Boards. No clients allowed!</li>
<li>        Photo Galleries where you can place up to 60 images to show all your assets!</li>
<li>        Promotional tools to let other Escorts and Businesses link back to your listing.</li>
<p>We look forward to welcoming you as a new Member of <a href="http://www.escorts.com/escorts.html"><b>Escorts.com</a>.</p>
The <a href="http://www.escorts.com/escorts.html"><b>Escorts.com</b></a> Staff</b>
If you have any questions or need any assistance signing up please contact our escort relations manager at <a href=mailto:webmaster@escorts.com>Webmaster@Escorts.com</a> or call 1-800-411-3100.
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