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<title>MOBY Use Case Template</title>
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<h2>Use Case:</h2>
<Unique Title for your Use Case Here><br>
<hr width="10%" align="left">
<p> </p>
<h2> Scenario Reference: </h2>
<Link to a file describing the scenario><br>
<hr width="10%" align="left">
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<h2> Background Knowledge: </h2>
<description of 'real-wrold' context, and the contextual relevance
of the use case><br>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<hr width="10%" align="left">
<h2> PrimaryActor: </h2>
<the entity for which this use case will generate a useful result><br>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<hr width="10%" align="left">
<h2>Other Actors: </h2>
<an exhaustive list of other entities which must participate in
the flow of events to achieve this result><br>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<hr width="10%" align="left">
<h2>Initial State: </h2>
<starting condition of each actor and/or data><br>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<hr width="10%" align="left">
<h2> End Result: </h2>
<final state of each actor and/or data><br>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<hr width="10%" align="left">
<h2>Preconditions: </h2>
< things outside of this use-case and/or workflow that must be true in
order for the use case to succeed (e.g. defined data types, algorithms, etc)><br>
<p> </p>
<hr width="10%" align="left">
<h2> Existing Workflow: </h2>
< if possible, a description of how the problem might be solved
using available tools. These tools must correspond to one of the actors
listed above. If such an actor does not exist, then there is no existng
workflow. ><br>
<hr width="10%" align="left">
<h2> Existing Workflow Limitations: </h2>
<Identification of the parts of the existing workflow that create
inefficiencies, bottlenecks, instabilities, etc. ><br>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<hr width="10%" align="left"><br>
<h2>Existing Workflow Exemplars: </h2>
<Identification of the parts of the existing workflow that are exemplary
for stability, scalability, maintainablity, etc ><br>
<hr width="10%" align="left">
<h2> MOBY Workflow: </h2>
< if possible, a description of how the problem might be solved
using the currently deployed MOBY architecture ><br>
<hr width="10%" align="left">
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<h2>MOBY Workflow Limitations: </h2>
<Identification of the parts of the MOBY workflow that create inefficiencies,
bottlenecks, instabilities, etc. ><br>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<hr width="10%" align="left">
<h2> MOBY Workflow Exemplars: </h2>
<Identification of the parts of the MOBY workflow that are exemplary for
stability, scalability, maintainablity, etc. Particularly note the
improvements achieved using the MOBY approach ><br>
<hr width="10%" align="left"><br>
<h2>Alternative Workflows:</h2>
< are there other ways to solve the problem? ><br>
<p> </p>
<hr width="10%" align="left">
<h2> Discussion: </h2>
< what does the example teach us about the MOBY approach, e.g. does it
clarify what MOBY is and is not, or what it should be><br>
<hr width="10%" align="left">
<h2> Priority:</h2>
< Mandatory (If MOBY can not do this, then it is a failure);
High (a good solution should be able to solve this problem) ; Medium (a good
solution may still not be able to solve this problem) ; Low (outside of the
agreed-upon scope of the BioMOBY project) ><br>
<hr width="10%" align="left">
<h2> Key References: </h2>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>