[MOBY-dev] Fwd: Unit testing of BioMoby Services

Mark Wilkinson markw at illuminae.com
Fri Jun 13 12:18:09 EDT 2008

In response to the current discussion on automated testing of Moby  
services, I'm re-posting this email.

YES!  It needs to go into the formal API documentation.  My bad!  In the  
end, it became quite difficult to do the unit testing in perl because of  
the lack of support for OWL-RDF in Perl, so hopefully someone from the  
Java world will pick-up this ball and create the application that does it?


------- Forwarded message -------
From: "Mark Wilkinson" <markw at illuminae.com>
To: "moby Core developer announcements" <moby-dev at lists.open-bio.org>
Subject: [MOBY-dev] Unit testing of BioMoby Services
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 15:04:16 -0700

Hi all,

During the hackathon I was working on the OWL classes and predicates we
need for the ability to create unit tests in the Service metadata coming
  from the Service provider.  I just finished working things out with the
myGrid team, and here are the predicates and classes we have agreed on:

Namespace:  http://www.mygrid.org.uk/mygrid-moby-service#

Class:  #unitTest
usage:  can have one or more unitTests per service #operation

ObjectProperty:	#hasUnitTest
	domain:	#operation
	range:	#unitTest

DatatypeProperty:	#exampleInput
	domain:		#unitTest
	range:		xsd#string
	content:	the full SOAP payload XML of an invocation message
DatatypeProperty:	#validOutputXML
	domain:		#unitTest
	range:		xsd#string
	content:	the full SOAP payload of the associated output message

DatatypeProperty:	#validREGEX
	domain:		#unitTest
	range:		xsd#string
	content:	a regular expression that should match against the output SOAP
Payload of this unitTest

DatatypeProperty:	#validXPath
	domain:		#unitTest
	range:		xsd#string
	content:	an XPath expression that should match against the output SOAP
Payload of this unitTest

An example can be seen in the antirrhinum.net,getDragonAlleleLocus
service, whose signature RDF is available here:

I'm almost finished writing a little Perl script that will go through and
test the services based on the Unit Test data - I'll put it in the CVS as
soon as it's done.

Cheers all!


Mark D Wilkinson, PI Bioinformatics
Assistant Professor, Medical Genetics
The James Hogg iCAPTURE Centre for Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Research
Providence Heart + Lung Institute
University of British Columbia - St. Paul's Hospital
Vancouver, BC, Canada

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