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<tt>Hi all,</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt>1. I would like to run EMBOOS on my caldera Linux box (eDesktop2.4)
that support rpm packaging. I read in EMBOSS manual that a CD with a pre-compiled
EMBOSS is available. I would like to know from where I can get this CD?
I do not mind to use Red Hat or SuSe for that reason.</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt>2. Also, I would like to know how much space EMBOSS takes after
compilation not including the Data base files. Is there any hardware limitation
regarding EMBOSS? I would like to know if 250 MB RAM and PII-400 MHZ are
<p><tt>3. Finally, I would like to know if EMBOSS have or will have an
X-windows interface like GCG (seqLab). I know that GCG are making Linux
version for seqLab (it is alfa version now).</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt>Thanks in advance for your help,</tt><tt></tt>