[EMBOSS] EMBOSS 6.3.1 available

ajb at ebi.ac.uk ajb at ebi.ac.uk
Mon Jul 19 10:08:11 EDT 2010

EMBOSS 6.3.1 is now available and can be downloaded from
our ftp server:


The associated (optional) EMBASSY packages are in the same directory.

mEMBOSS, the native Microsoft windows port, can be downloaded from the


This is a maintenance release. It fixes a compilation failure under
Linux Ubuntu distributions. The bug causing the failure was in a function
not actually used by the EMBOSS main package but was used by two of
the EMBASSY packages. It could cause some output file permissions
to be set incorrectly on other operating systems or distributions.

The remaining minor differences over 6.3.0 are:
  a) The optional configuration switch for PDF is now called --with-hpdf
     to bring it into line with the documentation.
  b) The default restriction isoschizomer data file has been
  c) svg & pdf are now only reported once under graphics devices.

For mEMBOSS, the only changes are 'b)' and 'c)'

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.


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