[BioRuby] BioRuby 2.0.5 released

Naohisa Goto ngoto at gen-info.osaka-u.ac.jp
Thu Sep 28 01:31:10 EDT 2023

Hi, all,

We are pleased to announce the release of BioRuby 2.0.5.
This new release includes bug fixes and developmental changes.

The package (gem) is available at RubyGems.org.


Source code is available at GitHub.


Archive files are also available at bioruby.org:

Tar.gz file: http://bioruby.org/archive/bioruby-2.0.5.tar.gz
Gem file:  http://bioruby.org/archive/gems/bio-2.0.5.gem

You can easily install by using RubyGems.
First, check the version number by using search command:
  % gem search --remote ^bio
and find “bio (2.0.5)” in the list. Then,
  % sudo gem install bio

Here is a brief summary of bug fixes.

* Bio::UniProtKB: bug fixes for ft and oh methods.
* Bio::Blast::Remote::GenomeNet remote URL changed.
* Bio::PTS1 remote URL is changed to https.

Here is a brief summary about developmental changes.

* GitHub Actions is used for CI (Continuous Integration).
* Stopped using Travis-CI.
* Fix error in Appveyor CI.

It is recommended to use supported Ruby versions:
Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.0.6.

For more information, see RELEASE_NOTES.rdoc and ChangeLog.

Acknowledgments: Thanks to all persons reporting issues and/or
submitting patches.

Hope you enjoy.

Naohisa Goto
ng at bioruby.org

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