[Biopython] Planning Biopython 1.82

Peter Cock p.j.a.cock at googlemail.com
Fri May 19 05:30:51 EDT 2023

Hello all,

Thank you to João Rodrigues for handling the Biopython 1.81 release,
which helped improve our documentation for this process:


Are there any open pull requests our community would particularly
like to see merged ready for the next release, or major issues which
need resolving?

Would any of our regular contributors like manage the release?
João again perhaps?

Thank you,



One of the main pain points remains building the documentation,
which requires latex (easy enough but a large dependency) and also
hevea for HTML (not as easy to install as it could be). I have not yet
been able to dedicate more time to finish the planned conversion
from LaTeX and these tools to RST and Sphinx, but perhaps will be
able to work on this during the BOSC 2023 CoFest?

Separately we could look at automatically uploading the wheels to PyPI.

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