[Biopython] Versions of Python 3 to support in Biopython?

Peter Cock p.j.a.cock at googlemail.com
Thu May 30 07:46:37 EDT 2013

Dear Biopythoneers,

For the forthcoming Biopython 1.62 release, we are planning to
officially support Python 3 (as well as Python 2, including PyPy,
and Jython). However, which versions of Python 3 would people
want to use?

One possibility is we'd require at least Python 3.2.5 (which would
simplify dealing with things broken in older releases of Python 3).

Alternatively, would it be acceptable to insist on at least Python 3.3
for example?

If you are interested in running Biopython under Python 3
(which you can already try out), please could you reply with
what version of Python 3 you have installed, and if being
required to update would be a problem or not.

Thank you,


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