[Biopython] Biopython 1.60 and ExPASy Swiss-Prot search functions

Cristian Alejandro Rojas Quintero alejandro.0317 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 27 01:28:35 EST 2013

Hi all,

I'm trying to make a search of Swiss-Prot records on ExPASy with 
sprot_search_ful and sprot_search_de ,  But appears like the ExPASy 
server has been moved, I tried to read the help from the modules and all 
that I can find is that the cgi url is 
"http://www.expasy.ch/cgi-bin/sprot-search-ful" or 
"http://www.expasy.ch/cgi-bin/sprot-search-de". I'm trying to access in 
that URLs with my web browser but appears a error message indicating 
that the site to search is www.uniprot.org. Maybe the functions won't 
work anymore because the server has been moved?

Or am I doing something bad?

These are the steps to reproduce the error.
 >>> handle=ExPASy.sprot_search_ful("Insulin")
 >>> print handle.read()
As you can see the status code for http request was 302. BTW: The 
release date of the new server was jan 9, 2013

Thank you.

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