[Biopython] Restriction enzymes and sticky ends

Mark Budde markbudde at gmail.com
Sun Apr 7 01:11:36 UTC 2013

Hi - I have a question about sticky ends in Biopython. Specifically, is
there any way to  maintain sticky end information? Having read the
restriction doc (http://biopython.org/DIST/docs/cookbook/Restriction.html),
I suspect that the answer is no. It seems that the cut sites are only
maintained for the top strand. So I am planning on adding this data in my
program (although I will need to read up on classes).

However, this requires that I can get the cut site information. The only
way that I can find to extract this information is from the
Restriction.Enzyme.elucidate(), which gives the cut site as NN^NN_NN. I can
use this information to determine the cut sites, but I expect that there is
a more direct way, since the elucidate() function must be generating this
from some attribute.

FYI, I am curious about this because I want to simulate GoldenGate cloning
in Biopython.

Mark Budde

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