[Biopython] Announcing OBF Google Summer of Code Accepted Students

Robert Buels rbuels at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 19:49:10 EDT 2012

Hello all,

I'm very pleased and excited to announce that the Open Bioinformatics 
Foundation has selected 5 very capable students to work on OBF projects 
this summer as part of the Google Summer of Code program.

The accepted students, their projects, and their mentors (in 
alphabetical order):

Wibowo Arindrarto
     SearchIO Implementation in Biopython
     mentored by Peter Cock

Lenna Peterson
     Diff My DNA: Development of a Genomic Variant Toolkit for Biopython
     mentored by Brad Chapman

Marjan Povolni
     The worlds fastest parallelized GFF3/GTF parser in D, and an
     interfacing biogem plugin for Ruby
     mentored by Pjotr Prins, Francesco Strozzi, Raoul Bonnal

Artem Tarasov
     Fast parallelized GFF3/GTF parser in C++, with Ruby FFI bindings
     mentored by Pjotr Prins, Francesco Strozzi, Raoul Bonnal

Clayton Wheeler
     Multiple Alignment Format parser for BioRuby
     mentored by Francesco Strozzi and Raoul Bonnal

As in every year, we received many great applications and ideas. 
However, funding and mentor resources are limited, and we were not able 
to accept as many as we would have liked.  Our deepest thanks to all the 
students who applied: we sincerely appreciate the time and effort you 
put into your applications, and hope you will still consider being a 
part of the OBF's open source projects, even without Google funding.  I 
speak for myself and all of the mentors who read and scored applications 
when I say that we were truly honored by the number and quality of the 
applications we received.

For the accepted students: congratulations!  You have risen to the top 
of a very competitive application process.  Now it's time to "put your 
money where your mouth is", as the saying goes.  Let's get out there and 
write some great code this summer!

Best regards,


Robert Buels
OBF GSoC 2012 Administrator

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