[Biopython] clustalW output format

Stefanie Lück lueck at ipk-gatersleben.de
Tue Aug 2 13:15:40 UTC 2011



I’m using ClustalW2 for my alignments and would like to have the aln1 output
format (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/msa/clustalw2/help/). This should show
the line numbers. Actually this should be the default but it’s not. 


I tried to add aln1 in \Bio\Align\Applications\_Clustalw.py in line 100+


Option(["-output", "-OUTPUT", "OUTPUT", "output"],


lambda x: x in ["GCG", "GDE", "PHYLIP", "PIR", "NEXUS",”ALN1”

                         "gcg", "gde", "phylip", "pir", "nexus", “aln1”]


but it doesn’t work.

Any ideas?


Thanks in advance!







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