[Biopython] how to get the hit length from Bio.Blast.NCBIXML?

Ann Loraine aloraine at gmail.com
Sun Mar 7 14:55:19 UTC 2010


I'm using Bio.Blast.NCBIXML to parse blastx results for an annotation
project. I'm searching contig consensus sequences (assembled from 454
reads) against a protein database.

Since these are assembled ESTs and may be incomplete, I need to know
how much of a matched sequence was included in the alignment so that I
can compute the percent coverage of both the hit and query.

How do I retrieve the "hit length" from the objects returned by the parser?

I couldn't find anything in the record and alignment objects that
contains this information -- if it is not there, should it be added?

The hit length appears in the XML:

          <Hit_def>gi|255551002|ref|XP_002516549.1| catalytic,
putative [Ricinus communis]</Hit_def>



Ann Loraine

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