[Biopython] Hello

Joao Mamede jfi.mamede at gmail.com
Sun Feb 14 23:57:36 UTC 2010

Hi, First post on this list so: Hello Everyone, and Thanks to all
BioPython developers.

So, my problem. I have a set of sequences I want to assemble, using the
sequence of the gene that soap recognized as the "reference".
I am able to to this manually in seconds for each gene with a closed
source program called "Geneious".
However: I wanted to do this automatically from python. I tried abyss
TIGR-assembler(and others) with not much sucess I must say.
I also tried to align with the traditional "clustal and muscle" but it
takes forever and of course I don't have enough RAM.
What I need is to output the location of each small sequence within a
ENtrez sequence .
Is local blast an option?Analysing each small sequence against a small
db?(I will not have a real assembly like this).

Can someone show me a light at the end of the tunnel?

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