[BioPython] Downloading CDS sequences

Peter biopython at maubp.freeserve.co.uk
Sat Jan 17 19:40:49 UTC 2009

Following Animesh's query, I was inspired to try and solve this
problem for myself.  My rough script of my own to solve this problem
(below) has several differences to Andrew and Animesh's code.

First of all, I didn't bother using the Bio.GenBank.LocationParser as
I felt that for CDS processing I only needed to cope with a handful of
location formats, and this was easier to do "by hand".

Secondly I found some GenBank/GenPept examples where there wasn't a
CDS feature with a "coded_by" qualifier in the annotation.   Here the
only thing I could find that worked was to look under the DBSOURCE
information for a cross reference to the full parent nucleotide
sequence, and then try and work out which bit codes for the protein.
This is a little ugly, but seems to work.

I'm also using Bio.SeqIO and Bio.Entrez rather than Bio.GenBank and
Bio.EUtils (deprecated).

I think the most important change was that I explicitly verify the
nucleotide sequence obtained when translated does actuall give the
expected protein sequence - just in case there was an error in my
code, the annotation, or the even downloads.



#Script to take a file of proteins in GenBank/GenPept format, examine
their annotation,
#and use this to download their CDS from the NCBI.
#Written and tested on Biopython 1.49, on 2008/01/17
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio import Entrez
#Edit this next line (and read the NCBI Entrez usage guidelines)
Entrez.email = "Your.Name.Here at example.com"

def get_nuc_by_name(name, start=None, end=None) :
    """Fetches the sequence from the NCBI given an indentifier name.

    Note start and end should be given using one based counting!

    Returns a Seq object."""
    record = SeqIO.read(Entrez.efetch("nucleotide",
                                      rettype="fasta"), "fasta")
    return record.seq

def get_nuc_from_coded_by_string(source) :
    """Fetches the sequence from the NCBI for a "coded_by" string.

    e.g. "NM_010510.1:21..569" or "AF376133.1:<1..>553"
    or "join(AB061020.1:1..184,AB061020.1:300..1300)"
    or "complement(NC_001713.1:67323..68795)"

    Note - joins and complements are handled by recusion.

    Returns a Seq object."""
    if source.startswith("complement(") :
        assert source.endswith(")")
        #For simplicity this works by recursion
        return get_nuc_from_coded_by_string(source[11:-1]).reverse_complement()
    if source.startswith("join(") :
        assert source.endswith(")")
        #For simplicity this works by recursion.
        #Note that the Seq object (currently) does not have a join
        #method, so convert to strings and join them, then go back
        #to a Seq object:
        return Seq("".join(str(get_nuc_from_coded_by_string(s)) \
                           for s in source[5:-1].split(",")))
    if "(" in source or ")" in source \
    or source.count(":") != 1 or source.count("..") != 1 :
        raise ValueError("Don't understand %s" % repr(source))
    name, loc = source.split(":")
    #Remove and ignore any leading < or > for fuzzy locations which
    #indicate the full CDS extends beyound the region sequenced.
    start, end = [int(x.lstrip("<>")) for x in loc.split("..")]
    #We could now download the full sequence, and crop it locally:
    #return get_nuc_by_name(name)[start-1:end]
    #However, we can ask the NCBI to crop it and then download
    #just the bit we need!
    return get_nuc_by_name(name,start,end)

def get_nuc_record(protein_record, table="Standard") :
    """Given a protein record, returns a record with the CDS nucleotides.

    The protein's annotation is used to determine the CDS sequence(s)
    which are downloaded from the NCBI using Entrez.

    The translation table specified is used to check the nucleotides
    actually do give the expected protein sequence.

    Tries to get the CDS information from a "coded_by" qualifier,
    failing that it falls back on a DB_SOURCE xref entry (which
    does not specify which bit of the nucleotide sequence referenced
    is required - this is deduced from the expected translation).
    if not isinstance(protein_record, SeqRecord) :
        raise TypeError("Expect a SeqRecord as the protein_record.")
    feature = None
    for f in protein_record.features :
        if f.type == "CDS" and "coded_by" in f.qualifiers :
            feature = f
    if feature :
        assert feature.location.start.position == 0
        assert feature.location.end.position == len(protein_record)
        source = feature.qualifiers["coded_by"][0]
        print "Using %s" % source
        return SeqRecord(Seq(""))
        nuc = get_nuc_from_coded_by_string(source)
        #See if this included the stop codon - they don't always!
        if str(nuc[-3:].translate(table)) == "*" :
            nuc = nuc[:-3]
    elif "db_source" in protein_record.annotations :
        #Note the current parsing of the DBSOURCE lines in GenPept
        #files is non-optimal (as of Biopython 1.49).  If the
        #parsing is changed then the following code will need
        #updating to pull out the first xrefs entry.
        parts = protein_record.annotations["db_source"].split()
        source = parts[parts.index("xrefs:")+1].strip(",;")
        print "Using %s" % source
        nuc_all = get_nuc_by_name(source)
        start = nuc_all.translate(table).find(protein_record.seq)
        assert start != -1, "Could not find start (assumed in frame)"
        nuc = nuc_all[3*start:3*(start+len(protein_record))]
    else :
        raise ValueError("Could not determine CDS source from record.")
    assert str(nuc.translate(table)) == str(protein_record.seq), \
           "Translation:\n%s\nExpected:\n%s" \
           % (translate(nuc,table), protein_record.seq)
    return SeqRecord(nuc, id=protein_record.id,
                     description="(the CDS for this protein)")

#Now use the above functions to fetch the CDS sequence for some proteins...
nucs = (get_nuc_record(p, table="Standard") for p \
          in SeqIO.parse(open("protein.gbk"),"genbank"))

handle = open("nucleotide.fasta","w")
SeqIO.write(nucs, handle, "fasta")
print "Done"

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