[Biopython] Fwd: [Utilities-announce] NCBI E-Utility Policy Change

Peter biopython at maubp.freeserve.co.uk
Tue Dec 1 14:34:19 EST 2009

Hi all,

Attention NCBI Entrez users - the NCBI really do want you to include
your email address, and it will be mandatory in future! See below...

If using Bio.Entrez, the tool parameter will by default be set to
Biopython, but the email is omitted. We already encourage the email
to be included in our documentation but given the new NCBI guidance
I'd suggest we make omitting the email issue a warning in the next
release (and an error in the subsequent release of Biopython?).


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From:  <utilities-announce at ncbi.nlm.nih.gov>
Date: Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 6:59 PM
Subject: [Utilities-announce] NCBI E-Utility Policy Change
To: utilities-announce at ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

As part of an ongoing effort to ensure efficient access to the Entrez
Utilities (E-utilities) by all users, NCBI has decided to change the
usage policy for the E-utilities effective June 1, 2010. Effective on
June 1, 2010, all E-utility requests, either using standard URLs or
SOAP, must contain non-null values for both the &tool and &email
parameters. Any E-utility request made after June 1, 2010 that does
not contain values for both parameters will return an error explaining
that these parameters must be included in E-utility requests.

The value of the &tool parameter should be a URI-safe string that is
the name of the software package, script or web page producing the
E-utility request.

The value of the &email parameter should be a valid e-mail address for
the appropriate contact person or group responsible for maintaining
the tool producing the E-utility request.

NCBI uses these parameters to contact users whose use of the
E-utilities violates the standard usage policies described at
These usage policies are designed to prevent excessive requests from a
small group of users from reducing or eliminating the wider
community's access to the E-utilities. NCBI will attempt to contact a
user at the e-mail address provided in the &email parameter prior to
blocking access to the E-utilities.

NCBI realizes that this policy change will require many of our users
to change their code. Based on past experience, we anticipate that
most of our users should be able to make the necessary changes before
the June 1, 2010 deadline. If you have any concerns about making these
changes by that date, or if you have any questions about these
policies, please contact eutilities at ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in helping us
continue to deliver a reliable and efficient web service.

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