[BioPython] proposal: Bio-Django project

m at pavis.biodec.com m at pavis.biodec.com
Fri Jul 11 15:45:17 UTC 2008

* Giovanni Marco Dall'Olio (dalloliogm at gmail.com) [080711 17:27]:
> * or plone, they told me there is a similar project for plone:
> http://plone.org/products/plone4bio/?searchterm=plone4bio

my company hosts the plone4bio project: in our experience we have found
that using an already existing --- and quite active and complete, too
--- web content management system has been a good choice

YMMV of course, since we have been using plone since 2002, we probably
are a little skewed in our choice, but the rationale is that we have
found that sooner or later we start to add features like autenthication,
user management, workflows, and various sorts of integration and then it
is better to have a single robust system, if it is flexible enough

clarly, from time to time, you curse the fact that you have to do things
`its own way', but we can live with it

we have not added anything to the repository since a few months, but we
will soon add another predictor, give enough time to engineet it
properly ...

 .*.                            finelli
(/ \) --------------------------------------------------------------
(   )       Linux: Friends dont let friends use Piccolosoffice
^^-^^ --------------------------------------------------------------

Boss: You forgot to assign the result of your map!

Hacker: Dang, I'm always forgetting my assignations...

Boss: And what's that "goto" doing there?!?

Hacker: Er, I guess my finger slipped when I was typing "getservbyport"...

Boss: Ah well, accidents will happen.  Maybe we should have picked APL.
		-- Larry Wall in <199710311732.JAA19169 at wall.org>

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