[BioPython] Problems with NCBIXML.py

Peter biopython at maubp.freeserve.co.uk
Wed Oct 24 17:32:52 UTC 2007

On 10/24/07, Bruno Santos <bsantos at biocant.pt> wrote:
> You were right I was getting the data before it has been written to the
> file. Now it's working perfect.


> But know I have another problem it's possible to instead of making a single
> request to NCBI_Blast with one sequence, make the request for all the
> sequences in a multiFASTA file?
> I'm trying to use threads to do this but until now without luck.

I would suggest you install standalone blast, then give it the
multi-record FASTA file as input.  You should then get multiple blast
records back (in the same order).  This works fine with the XML output
(but currently does not work for plain text output on recent versions
of NCBI Blast).

If you really want to make multiple blast submissions in parallel
online, first check the NCBI's website for any usage restrictions -
they don't want their servers to be abused.


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