[BioPython] Creating fusion protein like constructs with BioPython

Thomas Hamelryck thamelry at binf.ku.dk
Thu Oct 5 09:52:56 UTC 2006


> I am trying to create fusion protein-like model from two separate pdb files.
> I introduce a CYS mutant in the target protein, and then wish to form a
> disulphide bound between it and a small peptide.
> 1) Can I use Bio.PDB to do this above task or do I need to look at something
> else?

Bio.PDB has functionality to do vector/rotation calculations.
Take a look at the Vector.py module.


Thomas Hamelryck, Post-doctoral researcher
Bioinformatics center
Institute of Molecular Biology and Physiology
University of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 15 - Bygning 10
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø
Homepage: http://www.binf.ku.dk/Protein_structure

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