[BioPython] biopython gui (for Blast)

Indrajaya s203jay at mail.chem.itb.ac.id
Tue Feb 28 00:08:41 EST 2006

> Indrajaya wrote:
>  > Ya, I believe it's not a nice solution to make gui for all function.
>  > But I think, it is cool to make gui for blast or swissprot GUIs. Just
>  > for simple thinking, to get information from genebank with some
>  > criteria (ie. who posted the sequence, with fixed sequence length,
>  > etc), it will show the result directly to user. Anyone have other
>  > idea?
> What advantages would a Blast GUI program have over the existing web
> interfaces?  The NCBI's online blast is very easy to use already.
> For those people who need to automate things then using BioPython (or
> BioPerl or ...) with either online or standalone blast is fine - it just
> takes more work from the user.
> Are you trying to do something in between?  More powerful than the
> existing web-blast GUI, and less complex that a scripting interface?
> Peter

The idea started when I saw http://www.bioperl.org/wiki/HOWTO:Graphics.
Not just stop at this point, I want to filter all sequences which has
xxxxxx (dna code) start from sequence number x until number y without any
gap. Picture at this address
http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gambar:Protein_alignment.jpg (a few sequence
has gap, I don't want it) just for example. I think NCBI's online blast
cannot filter with specific criteria, am I right? By combining PIL (Python
Image Library) with a nice standalone program (GTK/wxPython) is nice.
Another advantages by using customize program/toolkit, I can do anything
with the database in my local network, after I mirrored the database.

Does anyone work with PIL+biopython?


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