[BioPython] SeqFeature

meric ovacik merova at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 17:27:49 UTC 2006

I am having trouble using SeqFeature. please see following

from Bio import GenBank
record_parser = GenBank.FeatureParser()
ncbi_dict = GenBank.NCBIDictionary('nucleotide', 'genbank',
                                   parser = record_parser)

gb_seqrecord = ncbi_dict[Geneidesasi]
print gb_seqrecord.seq
print gb_seqrecord.name
print gb_seqrecord.id
print gb_seqrecord.description
print gb_seqrecord.annotations
print gb_seqrecord.features

until the last line evwrything is fine, however when I wanted to reach the
features from the data I get the following
[<Bio.SeqFeature.SeqFeature instance at 0xb7a23f8c>, <
Bio.SeqFeature.SeqFeature instance at 0xb7a2acac>, <
Bio.SeqFeature.SeqFeature instance at 0xb7a3456c>, <
Bio.SeqFeature.SeqFeature instance at 0xb79cf68c>]
So there should be sometinh related with SeqFeatures, however the cookbook
and tutorial did not help much.
How do i use SeqFeatures in such a situation?
I'll appreciate any help. Thank you in advance.


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