[BioPython] Blast

Eirik Sønneland eirik.sonneland at student.umb.no
Thu Jun 30 07:53:34 EDT 2005

I use following biopython code with great success:

 b_results = NCBIWWW.qblast('blastn', 'bta_genome/all_contig', f_record)

Now I want to blast the Bos taurus trace archive. I looked on the NCBI 
site have a DB called Trace/Bos taurus_other. This don't work when 
implimenting it into the code. Can someone please recommend me what to 
put in as database instead of 'bta_genome/all_contig'? I only need a 
blast output file which I later will use to retrive the TI numbers and 
retrive the specific Bos taurus traces (.scf) I need.

I really appreciate the help you can offer!

Have a nice day!


Eirik Sønneland
Master student
Norwegian University of Life Sciences,
Centre of Integrative Genetics/ Bos taurus SNP project.

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