[BioPython] Bio.PDB : model count in NMR structures

Thomas Hamelryck thamelry at binf.ku.dk
Thu Apr 14 04:45:13 EDT 2005

Hi Arun,

> In the course of extracting sequence information for  a sub-set of PDB
> files and writing out specific parts using the Bio.PDB classes, I ran
> across an anomaly.  When parsing NMR structures, if I query the number
> of models present in the structure thus :
> str = p.get_structure('8tfv', '8tfv.pdb')
> mdls = Selection.unfold_entities(str, 'M')
> print len(mdls)
> , the number of models printed always exceeds the number present in
> the file by 1. A mdls[-1].get_list() yields an empty chain list. Is
> this a known issue, or even, a feature ?

Thanks for reporting this bug. I've fixed it in CVS.

BTW, len(str) will give you the number of models.

Best regards,


Thomas Hamelryck, Postdoctoral researcher
Bioinformatics center
University of Copenhagen      
Universitetsparken 15 Bygning 10                 
2100 Copenhagen, Denmark

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