[BioPython] Lowess function for nonparametric regression

Michiel Jan Laurens de Hoon mdehoon at ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Fri Apr 30 02:58:29 EDT 2004

Dear Biopythoneers,

Recently I wrote a pure Python implementation of the Lowess function for 
nonparametric regression. For an example, see
the red line is a nonparametric regression curve fitted to the scatterplot. The 
value on the x-axis is the mean of replicated gene expression measurements; the 
y-axis is the associated measurement error. Such plots are used to find out how 
large the measurement error typically is for a given magnitude of a measured 
gene expression level.
If this function is useful for other computational biologists, I can submit it 
to Biopython. In that case, which module would this fall under? Or can I just 
make a Lowess.py under Bio? The code is very short, about 25 lines of Python for 
the actual function.


Michiel de Hoon, Assistant Professor
University of Tokyo, Institute of Medical Science
Human Genome Center
4-6-1 Shirokane-dai, Minato-ku
Tokyo 108-8639

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