[BioPython] care for an rpm spec file?

Guido Draheim guidod-2003- at gmx.de
Tue Sep 2 17:35:42 EDT 2003

attached is an rpm spec file to build biopython 1.21,
it has builddependencies setup for mandrake 9.1. The
chatter about "Martel" and "Reportlab" is disabled
with patching setup.py - sadly, that seems necessary.

btw, please fix that annoying martel install bug.
While running setup, a missing "Martel" dependency
is claimed - and the default is "NO", do not continue
with installation, i.e. a missing required dependency.

As a search through the mailinglist shows, this is
simply wrong - however an innocent user will not know
this since the "installation help" does not have a
hint about a Martel installation dependency.

Please add a paragraph on
in section 3 - tell about what "Martel" is and that
it is okay to continue. Otherwise, we should follow
the setup.py recommendation, and do _not_ continue.

-- have fun, guido    http://google.de/search?q=guidod
-------------- next part --------------
%define name biopython
%define version 1.21
%define release py2.2_1mdk

Summary: BioPython
Name: %{name}
Version: %{version}
Release: %{release}
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
License: BSD-type
Group: Development/Libraries
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-buildroot
Prefix: %{_prefix}
Packager: Guido Draheim <guidod at gmx.de>
Url: http://www.biopython.org
BuildRequires: libpython2.2-devel
BuildRequires: python-numeric-devel
BuildRequires: egenix-mx-base

      "The Biopython Project" - http://www.biopython.org/ is an
international association of developers of freely available Python
tools for computational molecular biology.

biopython.org provides an online resource for modules, scripts, and
web links for developers of Python-based software for life science
research.  Thanks to bioperl, we can also provide web, FTP and CVS
space for individuals and organizations wishing to distribute or
otherwise make available standalone scripts & code.

mv setup.py setup.py_
sed -e "s/raw_input.*/'y'/" setup.py_ >setup.py && test -s setup.py
# cut out chatter about "Martel" and "Reportlab"

env CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" python2.2 setup.py   build

python2.2 setup.py   install --root=%buildroot \
  --record=INSTALLED_FILES --prefix=%prefix



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