[BioPython] Updates to Biopython Installation Instructions

Brad Chapman chapmanb at arches.uga.edu
Fri Feb 21 12:01:28 EST 2003

Hey all;
The crusade for increased up-to-date documentation continues...

I have updated and expanded the installation instructions for Biopython 
and separated it out from the main Tutorial documentation. Maintaining 
something as massive as the Tutorial is quite time consuming and 
difficult mentally (ugh, so much to fix), so hopefully keeping things 
separate will make it easier to keep everything up to date.

The Installation instructions now start from the very beginning 
(installing Python itself) and deal with installing Biopython 
dependencies and other good things like that. They are linked to from 
the Download site and available in pdf and html from:


Comments, corrections and other feedback are appreciated as always.


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