[Biopython-dev] Fwd: [BOSC2015] BOSC abstract #17 accepted as longer talk (and optional poster)

João Rodrigues j.p.g.l.m.rodrigues at gmail.com
Mon May 4 14:29:35 UTC 2015

Hi all,

Good news! Time to work on the presentation, I'll keep the list posted.
There is still chance to change the abstract if you think something should
be included.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BOSC2015 <bosc at mailman.open-bio.org>
Date: 2015-05-03 23:24 GMT+02:00
Subject: [BOSC2015] BOSC abstract #17 accepted as longer talk (and optional
To: j.rodrigues at uu.nl

On behalf of the Bioinformatics Open Source Conference 2015, we are pleased
to inform you that your abstract (Biopython Project Update 2015) has been
chosen for a longer talk at BOSC2015. Your talk slot is 15 minutes (with
additional time after that for questions).

You are also invited to present your work as a poster.

Please let us know by May 15 whether you accept our invitation to speak
(and perhaps present a poster) at BOSC2015 by filling out this response

Registration for BOSC, which is a two-day SIG, is through the ISMB/ECCB
main conference web site: https://www.iscb.org/ismbeccb2015-registration
The deadline for discounted early registration is June 5. You can register
for BOSC without registering for the ISMB conference.

If you want to make any changes to the abstract that you submitted, you
will have until June 7 to upload a revised abstract at
http://events.open-bio.org/BOSC2015, using your abstract ID, 17.

We have included the reviewers' feedback on your abstract at the end of
this message. Please contact us if you have any questions.

  Program Committee, BOSC2015
  bosc at mailman.open-bio.org


AUTHOR COMMENTS: Pretty straightforward project update on the current
status of Biopython.  I like the additional mention of Docker here to help
ease installation and deployment.



AUTHOR COMMENTS: I like that this submission covers new features, general
code improvements and deployment / teaching tools. This is a well-used
project with an active developer community. Documentation on github and
project website is very good.


AUTHOR COMMENTS: Biopython is an important part of the bioinformatics
ecosystem, and it's great to see continued progress.

That said, the abstract does read as a set of release notes.  A little more
information about major developments (e.g. what the Docker images offer)
might be welcome, as would a brief mention of post-1.66 plans.
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