[Biopython-dev] GSoC Project Update -- 7

Wibowo Arindrarto w.arindrarto at gmail.com
Thu Jun 21 03:09:40 EDT 2012

Hi everyone,

I've just posted another update for the past week here:

In short, here is what I did:

* Added parsing, indexing, and writing support for two new formats
(along with their tests): the HMMER table output (hmmer-tab) and the
HMMER domain table output (hmmscan-domtab, hmmsearch-domtab, or
phmmer-domtab). There is a small issue which prevents the HMMER domain
table format to be simply named hmmer-domtab, which I discuss in the

* (not mentioned in the post) Added more tests for writing and
indexing, and refactored some of the existing code.

As mentioned in the post, since the core SearchIO API functions are
now complete, for the coming weeks I will focus on adding more formats
to support, improving the code, and of course add more tests and


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