[Biopython-dev] Porting docs to sphinx #3220

Colin Lappala lappc at u.washington.edu
Tue Jun 12 15:03:12 EDT 2012


I'd like to contribute to feature #3220. I am interested in learning more
about the parts and details of Biopython that I haven't used yet, as well
as getting involved in this project somehow. I am familiar with Sphinx,
git, and parts of Biopython, and would love the chance to help out. I have
taken a stab at using Sphinx to semi-automatically generate the
documentation on a project in our lab (which is not in its final form yet):

If I can help, I had a few questions first:

1) I see that you want to keep with Numpy-type rST formatting, but I
haven't seen the current thought on how to avoid using the :class:`class`
type of markup in the mailing list logs.

2) How should I go about dividing the task, since there may be other people
at work on it as well? I've branched biopython on github, but wanted to
know which modules' docstrings are being ported so I could work on the
other ones.

Colin Lappala

Harwood Lab
University of Washington, Seattle

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