[Biopython-dev] Using markup for the README file on GitHub

Peter Cock p.j.a.cock at googlemail.com
Wed Jun 6 07:55:01 EDT 2012

Hi all,

Matt Fenwick has suggested using some markup in the README
file in order to make it look nicer on GitHub,

The major downside is for any markup to be rendered on GitHub,
you must use one of the supported extensions - which is a problem
for projects using README (no extension) or README.txt (which
is nicer for Windows users). As per a heated discussion on GitHub
https://github.com/github/markup/issues/3 it appears the hack
solution for projects wanting to maintain their existing convention
is to add a symlink with the markup extension (e.g. README.md
if using the markdown flavour), which is what I have tried on this
branch: https://github.com/peterjc/biopython/tree/markup

I didn't include all of Matt's changes since I wanted to balance the
rendered display and maximizing the plain text human readability.

While this does add a 'strange' file to the root folder, I think this is
probably a reasonable compromise.

What do you all think?

Personally I would prefer using reStructuredText in place of
markdown - because we are already using that in many of our
docstrings and it is supported by both epydoc and Sphinx.


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