[Biopython-dev] Biopython 1.59 plans

Peter Cock p.j.a.cock at googlemail.com
Sat Feb 18 04:15:31 EST 2012

Hello all,

Based on the typical release schedule, we're a little overdue
for releasing Biopython 1.59 - I would have raised this earlier
but January was busy for me. With the recent NCBI EFetch
change, and the workaround for it, it would be especially
good to get the release out soon.

I propose we release Biopython 1.59 in the second half of
next week - essentially the master branch as it is.

Most of the unit tests are also passing under PyPy (bar
the C extensions, and external dependencies like NumPy)
with the exception of some XML issues with the standard
library. If we mark these as known failures and include
them in the buildbot before then, we can announce this
release as having (partial) PyPy support.

Does anyone else want to do the release? If not, I can.

Any comments on this? I'll start a new thread for plans
for Biopython 1.60 - there are several exciting chunks
of new code that looks near ready for release.


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