[Biopython-dev] KDTree to numpy

Marcin Cieślik marcin.cieslik at gmail.com
Sun Feb 17 07:58:58 UTC 2008


I was able to make KDtrees work with numpy. There where no real problems
apart from my complete lack of c++/swig skills. It seems to me that
everything is working fine.

the includes in KDTree.i look like this:

	#include "KDTree.h"
is this correct? Changes in .py files where really small.

i compiled/tested it on linux

make clean
rm *.o
rm *.so
gcc -c KDTree.cpp KDTree.swig.cpp -I/usr/include/python2.5
g++ -shared KDTree.swig.o KDTree.o -o _CKDTree.so

you can get it here:


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