[Biopython-dev] Oligopython page

Thomas Hamelryck thamelry at binf.ku.dk
Wed Apr 7 07:23:55 EDT 2004

On Wednesday 07 April 2004 00:00, Brad Chapman wrote:

> If I remember properly, the reason KDTree is not installed by
> default isn't because it's C++ but rather because it used the C++
> standard library (stdc++) which caused building problems on some
> systems without development libraries.

To quote from an older post:

KDTree works fine. But: it needs a working C++ compiler, and 
a complete installation of Numpy (including header files) to compile. 
It seems that on Solaris it does not compile due to a bug in Distutils, which 
is not really coping well with C++ on some platforms (ie. missing flags, 
compiling with gcc instead of g++ etc.). 

Thomas Hamelryck
Bioinformatik centret      
Universitetsparken 15     
Bygning 10                 
DK-2100 København Ø

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