[Bioperl-pipeline] cdna2genome

David.Bauer at SCHERING.DE David.Bauer at SCHERING.DE
Sat Apr 3 07:46:42 EST 2004


I'm just doing my first experiments with the biopipe cdna2genome module and
the example files.
>From the messages it seems to run without errors but I do not get any final
output from est2genome.
The blast part is fine. I get in blast_dir the correct result from cdna.fa
against genomic.fa.
In the est2genome.dbg I see that est2genome did successfully read 2 fasta
input files and continued without errors.
But the results table in annotate_pipline is empty.
There is nothing in job and below is what I get in completed_jobs.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong ?

Thanks so lot,

|                1 | NEW        |           1 |        0 |
/tmp/pipeline//1/annotate_pipeline_DataMonger.1080995261.678.out        |
/tmp/pipeline//1/annotate_pipeline_DataMonger.1080995261.678.err        |
/tmp/pipeline//1/annotate_pipeline_DataMonger.1080995261.678.obj        |
2004-04-03 14:27:42 |           0 |
|                2 | NEW        |           2 |        0 |
/tmp/pipeline//2/annotate_pipeline_Blast.1080995262.264.out             |
/tmp/pipeline//2/annotate_pipeline_Blast.1080995262.264.err             |
/tmp/pipeline//2/annotate_pipeline_Blast.1080995262.264.obj             |
2004-04-03 14:27:42 |           0 |
|                3 | NEW        |           3 |        0 |
/tmp/pipeline//5/annotate_pipeline_.job_3.DataMonger.1080995262.871.out |
/tmp/pipeline//5/annotate_pipeline_.job_3.DataMonger.1080995262.871.err |
/tmp/pipeline//5/annotate_pipeline_.job_3.DataMonger.1080995262.871.obj |
2004-04-03 14:27:43 |           0 |
|                4 | NEW        |           4 |        0 |
/tmp/pipeline//5/annotate_pipeline_Est2Genome.1080995262.621.out        |
/tmp/pipeline//5/annotate_pipeline_Est2Genome.1080995262.621.err        |
/tmp/pipeline//5/annotate_pipeline_Est2Genome.1080995262.621.obj        |
2004-04-03 14:27:43 |           0 |

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