[Bioperl-pipeline] Pipeline has been saving my time.

Sang Chul Choi goshng at hanafos.com
Tue Mar 18 10:17:08 EST 2003

Dear Shawn Hoon and Brian Osborne!

Firstly, thank you for your kindness!

Hoon asked, 
> I interested to know what kinda pipeline you are trying to do. 

--> I am developing a website for BAC clone database which is 
thought to be a kind of base infrastructure for genetic study.
My intitute have BAC clone and will get those BAC end sequences
for locating the clones in human genome. And then, it seems to
follow subsequent biomolecular studies such as SNP, gene finding,
etc. My current interests are the development of clone's genomic
positioning system.
      The system would get BAC clone data from Database, 
repeatmask and then blast them. In addition to that, I need 
a analyzer for locating the clone against human genome which comes
from NCBI's CONTIG, and contig map(seq_contig.md) data.
      One restriction of this system is that it must be on-line web based.
For example, one scientist input a bacend clone into my system, and
then he would be informed of the putative location of the clone.
      So I changed the PipelineManager into a UNIX daemon which
processes jobs created by the command from the above scientist.

      There is one problem unsolved yet. I create two jobs for both
BAC end sequences. I should like to append my locating analysis
just after the two jobs were completed, not after only one job.
How do I do that?  To this end, I created a runnable object derived 
from Bio::Pipeline::RunnableI. Hmmm... I'm sorry that this my capacity.
I will try it until my work's complete.

Another question: I'm sorry I must ask before I fully understand how PBS
(load sharing system) works. But it's a simple one. Must I install BioPipelines
into all machines? Or, is that ok if I install Biopipeline into only one linux machine.
For example, I have a plan about three or ten node machines for pipeline for testing.
Is that OK if I install Biopipeline into one machine and PBS into the others?
Or, do I must do other things to appreciate load sharing functionality of 

Finally, thank  Brian Osborne for your XML document!
I will appreciate your help.

Sincerely yours, 

Sang Chul Choi

P.S. My first name is Sang Chul. ^*^


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